Professionalism In The Workplace
All professions have a workplace; one would
think it safe to assume therefore that professionalism is part and parcel. Woe
to the assumer and double woe to anyone believing that the place gives birth to
the ‘ism. However, whenever the work is to be done, the greater the
professionalism the higher the success.
Professionalism is all encompassing. The
workplace is a fusion of environment, resources, and culture; the ideal setup
provides for and responds to the human resources in the pursuit of maximum
output. Each aspect is held to a high standard, though we often think of the
workers alone, to achieve the quality of the outcome desired. In a nut shell:
Location is the where, Mission is the why, Vision is the future, and
Professionalism is the how.
Of everything we’ve highlighted so far the
human resource is the most important, and our focus and the sure fix to most
workplace issues is the professional worker. So let us define professionalism
in relation to the right person for the job.
the expertness, status, methods, character or standards expected of a
professional, such as reliability, discretion, evenhandedness, and fair play.
does that translate into an actual being? We'll zone in on the top 5 areas
where being a pro is key:
& Grooming: Look the part, be the face. Adopting and maintaining the
appropriate image and attire empowers you for success whilst identifying you
with what you do.
Know what you do, be the voice. Be the encyclopedia, reference manual, subject
matter expert and bull horn of your field; consume the data and be the source
of what’s relevant.
Master the skills, be the example. It is not enough to look the part and know
the part, one must be. Perfect your skills, share the craft, teach the learner,
improve and innovate.
Carry the load, inspire the work. What you take to battle is as important as
well you fight; model the right, be the code of ethics, champion the cause.
GET THE JOB DONE. When every factor is equated, the result is the proof;
complete the task well, on time, every time.
these are just the top 5 areas; there’s so much more. Feel free to share your
experiences and related insights. Comment and join the conversation.
By Jason Ricardo Thomas
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